Despite furious bouts of selling in the equity markets, the Cboe Volatility Index (VIX), which is Wall Street’s so-called fear gauge, has remained stubbornly low this year. To help investors understand what this may mean for their portfolios, Bloomberg recently spoke...
In the News
Go Back to News + MediaAxonic Capital on Bloomberg TV: Has the Market Reached Its Bottom?
The persistent market volatility and latest intraday drop among the major indices have created more bears than bulls among equity market investors. While this typically is a sign that the market has reached the bottom, now it may not be as simple. Bloomberg TV spoke...
Axonic Capital on Bloomberg TV: Examining the Markets Through a Historical Lens
As the markets remain persistently volatile, Bloomberg TV recently spoke with Axonic Capital Director of Research Peter Cecchini for insight on whether these large market movements should be reason for concern among investors or if it is a normal occurrence throughout...
Axonic Capital on CNBC: What the Latest Inflation Data Means for Investors
Stocks experienced yet another volatile day following the latest inflation data, indicating that the U.S. Federal Reserve will likely need to raise interest rates in the near future. Despite this, the 10-year yield also dropped today due to investors purchasing bonds,...
Axonic Capital on CNBC: Navigating 2022’s Market Volatility
For investors, 2022 has been a year plagued with seemingly constant market volatility. To help investors better navigate this challenging environment, CNBC recently turned to Axonic Capital Director of Research Peter Cecchini for insight on the potential opportunities...
Axonic Capital on CNBC: Is the Fed Bear Behind Us?
Comments from U.S. Federal Reserve officials indicating a significant interest rate hike is likely in the near future rattled investors' nerves earlier in the week. Despite these concerns, the Dow Jones Index ended the week flat. Does this mean the markets have...
Axonic Capital in S&P Global: What May Be in Store for the U.S. Economy
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has created many uncertainties for investors. As a result, many investors are using interest rates to help price these unknowns. S&P Global recently spoke with Axonic Capital Director of Research Peter Cecchini to learn more. With...
Axonic Capital in Business Insider: How to Play the Commodities Rally
A rebound in global demand following the pandemic, chronic supply chain shortages and sanctions against Russia due to the country’s invasion of Ukraine have caused commodity prices to soar. With oil now approaching $130 a barrel, Business Insider recently turned to...
Axonic Capital on Bloomberg TV: The Potential Impacts of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
After Morgan Stanley Chief Investment Officer Mike Wilson stated that the Russian invasion of Ukraine “materially increases the odds of a polar vortex for the economy and earnings,” Bloomberg TV turned to Axonic Capital Director of Research Peter Cecchini for his...